Friday, June 29, 2007

You are searching for mesothelioma article probably because you require relevant information about Mesothelioma -a malignant cancer caused due to over exposure to asbestos, a natural fibrous mineral used in various industries like railroads, insulation, construction processes and building material. In this mesothelioma article, we would provide you some basic information about the causes, types and symptoms of mesothelioma cancers. Causes and types of Mesothelioma In this mesothelioma article, we would not delve into the subject of mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma cancers are a condition wherein the body witnesses a rapid division of cells the mesothelium, a protective lining covering most of the body’s internal organs. This lining protects the internal organs by producing a special lubricating fluid that allows swift movement of the organs. Inhalation of minute asbestos fibers that settle in the respiratory tracts of workers and people staying in close vicinity of such industries is the main cause of mesothelioma cancers. Several research works and mesothelioma news articles have revealed that about 70-80% of people suffering from mesothelioma have a history of asbestos exposure. The various forms of malignant mesothelioma are peritoneal mesothelioma (cancer of abdominal lining), pleural mesothelioma (cancer of lung lining) and pericardial mesothelioma (cancer of heart lining). In very rare cases, there have been reports of cancer affecting the lining of the testicles. Symptoms of Mesothelioma The objective of this mesothelioma article is not to create a scare but to make you aware about